Thursday, August 4, 2011

Some Tintin...Well, actually Calculus

Here is the first colored picture to grace this post. Noted, it probably isn't that good, but I had fun painting one of my favorite characters in the Tintin series, the absent-minded and hard of hearing Professor Cuthbert Calculus, or, as he is known in the actual French text, Tryphon Tournesol.
This interesting little character made his first appearance in Red Rackham's Treasure in the Tintin series, the same comic the movie is based off of (see the post entitled "Nostalgia & Comics" to see the movie trailer). The inspiration for the look of Professor Calculus was from an actual person, a Swiss scientist by the name of Auguste Picard. Just as a small history lesson, Picard was a physicist and balloonist and was very tall. Herge once said that he had made Calculus a sort of "mini-Picard" because he would have to enlarge the frames if he didn't. If you would like to look further into the scientist's life click here to see the wikipedia page about Picard.
Also, as a mere side note, I realized that the character's name is actually Professor Calculus, not Doctor, but the ink had already dried before I came to that sobering fact. Most sincere apologies to those diligent readers.
Keep a sharp eye out for my next post.

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