Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bigger On The Inside

When looking for time travel stories it seems virtually and astronomically impossible not to stumble upon the television show Doctor Who. It is, like I said in my previous post, one of my favorite shows and I watched an episode entilted "The Doctor's Wife," written by the amazing author Neil Gaiman. As I was watching it an idea kind of popped into my head: "What if I had a Tardis?" I then went into the sort of mechanics about my version of the Tardis and what it would be like. The idea was what if this model of the Tardis would get sort of everything from every sort of era imaginable and sort of mashed it all together and it would have various doors that lead you through different ways, or something like that. I then set to work. What I did first was do various sketches of the classic police box from the show itself, and other actual police boxes, and then I just devoured history books and looked at the artistry from various eras. For some odd reason, I couldn't just abandon the notion of the Tardis being a police box, so I kept the sort of basic layout of a police box, complete with a light at the top of it. I then just did various eccentric designs for the doors (you can't see the others, but there are 4 doors all together, just thought I should clear that up). As I was drawing this I was also watching Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock and I then I saw the lantern that is on a rail that stands in front of the door of 221b. I then decided to put, at the top of every door, a sort of lantern, which will comprise of various colors when I'm finished.

I then decided to test my new Micron pen that I bought and just drew over my pencil marks and erased the pencil when it was dry. What I then did was do a base of light blue, another homage to the show, and just started using various colors to see how it turned out. I'm not quite done, but I shall keep you folks posted as soon as I make progress. Hope you enjoy it and try something like it, too.

Keep a sharp eye out...

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